Stay openhearted

In our darkest hours we tend to cut ourselves off from our source. And in that moment, when we most desperately seek guidance, we close the doors to our hart. Only remembering the narrow path we walked in what is just the blink of the eye ago in the eyes of the Universe.
So please, dear loved ones, try and be openhearted always, no matter what. Because if there is just a little crack in that armor you build around yourself, we will find it and pour in our love and guidance. Just let us! We so want to help you. Give us a chance and work with us, not only for the benefit of you but of all mankind.

Remember where you are coming from. You are one of us, just trying to make your way back home. That’s not a light task, brave one, and we applaud you for it. Know that you are supported in every step you take, if you only let us.

We salute you!

Mei ’13